If you're in real estate, you see it everywhere—consolidation.
It's a sign of the times. Whether driven by regulatory mandates, industry norms, or market fluctuations, more change awaits us all in 2025.
Today, the three amigos focus on one critical aspect: communication during consolidation.
While consolidation was inevitable, the real questions are: How do we effectively manage and communicate these changes? How do we preserve culture during periods of growth? How do you show that?
Success requires two-way communication, transparency, and clarity.
Whether you're an owner, broker, or agent, we must all clearly articulate our unique visions and values to stand out in the future of real estate.
Take a listen and let us know what we missed. We know we aren’t the only ones giving this real thought and effort.
p.s. For anyone who thought November and December would be quiet (and you’d get ahead), I’ll share two mantras I’ve got on loop today. First, choose joy (even if you’re so far behind you think you’re ahead.) Second, never lose your sense of humor. :)